Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Series: Young Christian Mom~Part 6

So keep in mind that I had been very depressed and at the time I weighed literally 90 pounds, and I was arrested for battery. From the time after I left Corey until the time I got arrested, I was trying to find a way for me and my son to get back to North Carolina. While on the phone with someone to try and get a ride, CDV kept harassing me and threatening to take my son away from me. I finally got fed up and threw my makeup bag at him. And it just got really bad from there. He called the police and because I had somehow scratched his arm in an earlier scuffle, I was arrested. Even though I had a busted lip and my wrist was nearly broken, I was arrested for a scratch that you could barely see.

So I was sitting in the patrol car waiting to be taken to jail and then the officer started accusing me of being on meth. My temper almost got the best of me. I told her she could draw blood that second and test it. I despise drugs!

When I arrived at the jail, I was informed that I would have to stay in the drunk tank for 24 hours. It was awful. It was cold and we couldn’t have a blanket or even wear our shoes. I tried to sleep considering I had been up all night but with the couple of other people that were in there it was impossible. An officer offered me some food and I told him I wasn’t hungry, so then they tried to say I was trying to commit suicide by starving myself. That definitely was not the case. I was so tired and just wanted to sleep. After leaving the drunk tank I was booked and spent three days in jail. The whole time all I could think about was my son and how I wanted to get him and just get away from everything and about Corey.

I had never felt so low in my entire life. I had finally met an awesome man and now he would never want to talk to me again.

On the fourth morning I was finally released. I checked my phone and I had calls from my family and from Corey. I immediately called him and he informed me that he was out of town but he wanted to see me. I explained to him what happened and he didn’t even care. He just wanted to see me and to make sure I was okay. I told him that I was going to get my son and go back to North Carolina for a little while but that we would stay in touch. So that night, I got my son and left.

I stayed in North Carolina for about three weeks, and Corey and I talked every day. I came back to Indiana with the intentions of getting my own place for myself and my son, so that Corey and I could pursue a relationship. We stayed with him while looking for a place, but the day I moved out never came.

So here we are, almost five years later. He has taken my son as his own. My son calls him dad and views him as such. Corey and I are engaged and hope to start wedding plans soon. I am finally happy. It took a lot to get here, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Corey made it all worthwhile. Through him, God gave me and my son our life back.

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